Google Assignments

Using Google templates in Canvas

Google Assignments in CAnvas

"Google Assignments" is the actual name for template assignments using the Google external tool submission.

Google Assignments allow you to assign a Google Doc, Sheet, Drawing, or Slide using a Google template you created specifically for your students' unique needs. Each student gets their own copy of your template. When students submit, you see their individual work on their copy.

Google Assignments

Teachers can use Canvas to assign Google templates to students.

There are now TWO ways to grade Google Assignments (you choose the method when you create the assignment in Canvas):

  1. Using the Canvas Speedgrader (NEW)

Submissions appear in your Canvas speedgrader. Grades appear in your gradebook automatically. Canvas rubrics with outcomes can be used.

  1. Using the Google Assignment grading interface

Submissions appear and can be graded from Google Assignments within Canvas. Grades pass back from Google into your Canvas gradebook. Canvas rubrics can not be used with this method. Go to the Canvas assignment to access grading.

Canvas - Google "Assignments" (Course Kit)