Slides Carnival Templates | Easier Access

Do you love Slides Carnival templates? Want to have easier access to all those amazing templates? Maybe you've never tried Slides Carnival... now's your chance to dip your toes into the pool of amazing and fun presentation templates. As I've mentioned before, you can go to and browse their templates. Now you can access the templates more easily; right from your Google Drive! Add this Google Drive folder to your drive to access copies of all the current Slides Carnival templates in one spot. Slides Carnival adds to the collection of templates all the time, so just add the folder to your own drive, rather than copying it and you'll get new templates as they are created.


Switch to grid view to see a thumbnail of the template from your drive folder. Quickly and easily scan the templates to pick the one that is best for your specific presentation.

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You can make copies of the templates, so please do not request access to edit them.