Item Bank Assessments

IB   |   Item Bank Assessments

School City - how to create an item bank test

Create Item Bank Assessments

Create standards-based assessments from existing banks of questions.

Administer Online Assessments

Administer an online item bank assessment or review.

School City - how to administer an online assessment
SchoolCity - how to take an IB Assessment online (Student view)

Taking Online Assessments 

Student View

Activate your students to take an item bank assessment.

Need to make a change?

Rescore in SchoolCity allows you to add, remove, or edit an item, even after students have begun taking your assessment.

This is great if you notice an error in your answer key after you've scored some of your students' assessments. The reports will automatically update with the new corrected item.

SchoolCity - Rescore (update) Assessments
SchoolCity - How to Use the Special Tools

Embedded Tools

Learn about some of the tools you can allow your students to use on SchoolCity assessments. 

Showcased tools:

SchoolCity - How to update student accommodations

Update Student Accommodations

Update accommodations for your students to use on all SchoolCity assessments