Accessing Reports

Schoolcity IB & AKO Assessments


Now that you've used School City to administer an assessment, tap into reports to access information about your students' performance.  Download or print whole-class results.  Print feedback cards to give students.  Analyze results by standard or item for in-depth discussions within instructional teams.

School City - how to access reports

For more information about specific SchoolCity reports, please see the following

Item Analysis Report

The “Item Analysis” report lets you know how students did on your assessment, question by question

SchoolCity Reports | Item Analysis

Standards Analysis Report

The “Standards Analysis” report lets you know how students did on your assessment, broken down by aligned standard

SchoolCity Reports | Standards Analysis

Question Groups Report

The “Question Groups” report lets you know how students did on your assessment, broken down by question groups.  This report is only available if you have defined question groups.

SchoolCity Reports | Question Groups