
Choice Boards

What is a Hyperdoc?

A Google Doc with hyperlinks (get it... hyper-doc) to different parts of the lesson. Allow students to choose which digital activities they do and when.

What's the point?

Design visually engaging, interactive pages to provide content and enrich the learning experiences for your students. Individualize instruction by giving students choices in their daily learning activities. Shift the work in the classroom away from you and put it on the students. Giving students some control over their own learning allows you to act as a guide and coach in the classroom. Step away from the front of the room and interact with your students.

What can I include? Where do I start?

Create a tic-tack-toe board (or bingo card, etc.) on which students are required to complete activities across rows, columns, or diagonals (like a winning tic-tack-toe game). This gives students choices in their learning, while providing some structure. Include links to pieces of a larger assignment to provide scaffolding. Include individualized games. Get creative and have fun!

Hyperdoc Templates

Feel free to use either of these templates to get started. All you need to do is customize the topics and add links!

Hyperdoc Template (Slides)
Hyperdoc Template (Docs)