

Bridge Tool Teacher's Manual

Learn how to set up Outcomes in Canvas, use Rubrics to track student progress, and use the Bridge Tool to calculate grades, based on student performance towards mastery.

This manual includes information to help you understand more about standards-based grading for more equitable grading in your class.  It also explains how to put each step into practice.

Also included is information about how to use the new Bridge Tool that will make it easier to implement standards-based grading in your Canvas course.

Teacher’s Manual | Canvas Learning Mastery Gradebook to Traditional Gradebook


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Need bite-sized pieces of information?  

The following guides give you each piece you will need to implement standards-based grading in your course.

We have split the content into two sections: 

Getting Started with SBG in Canvas

If you are new to SBG, or new to SBG with Canvas, start here.  These resources will help you set your course grading scheme, outcomes, and assignment rubrics.  You'll also find resources for how to use your rubrics to assess student work and how the Canvas Learning Mastery Gradebook works.

Canvas Learning Mastery Bridge Tool

Once you have set up your course grading scheme, outcomes, and assignment rubrics, you are ready to use the Canvas Learning Mastery Gradebook Bridge Tool.  These resources will help you get started with the Bridge Tool.  You'll also find resources for communicating your grading policies with students and families as well as where to go for help.

Personalized Help 

If you need help with the Bridge Tool in Canvas, please reach out to one of the Equitable Grading Canvas Ambassadors or you Canvas Coach. 

Image Credits | Icons from the Noun Project