
SBG in Canvas

Outward-facing Communication

The Canvas Syllabus page is a great place to post information about your course for students, families, and staff support providers.  Included with your course syllabus should be a description of your grading policy, what standards-based grading is, and how you incorporate standards-based grading in your course.

To learn more about setting up an effective course syllabus for standards-based grading in Canvas, including sample syllabus language, please use the resources included here.

An Effective Syllabus | Canvas LMG to Traditional Gradebook

Making Your Syllabus Visible

Bridge Tool Assignments include a link to your course syllabus by default.  Make sure students and families can access your syllabus.

To learn more about how to enable your syllabus in course settings, please use the resources included here.

Enable Syllabus | Canvas LMG to Traditional Gradebook